Complaint management

Working in the hospitality industry means having to deal with the occasional complaint from a guest. It’s going to happen – but don’t panic! You can’t always please everyone, and often the negative feedback will be about something that’s out of your control.

17 Lessons
1hours 8minutes

Curriculum for this course

Why is Complaint management important
4 minutes
What kind of service failures can occur at your company?
0 sec
What is a complaint?
2 minutes
Why do customers complain?
7 minutes
What is the primary motivation for you guests when they complain?
0 sec
Service recovery
5 minutes
Researchs in complaint management
3 minutes
Examples on service recovery
3 minutes
Best practice
6 minutes
Take action
5 minutes
7 minutes
4 minutes
Complaint infrastructure
4 minutes
Be ready to receive complaints
3 minutes
Complaint is a gift
3 minutes
How to use the data
3 minutes
2 minutes


It is best to make it right the first time. Yet service failures are an inevitable fact of the hospitality industry. Service failures do however represent the opportunity to impress the guest, we wish we never had had. 40% of all customer churn is caused by poor or lack of service recovery. Only a few hospitality companies have a strategy for service recovery and only one-third of all online reviews are replied to, yet to days, customers read at

It is best to make it right the first time. Yet service failures are an inevitable fact of the hospitality industry. Service failures do however represent the opportunity to impress the guest, we wish we never had had. 40% of all customer churn is caused by poor or lack of service recovery. Only a few hospitality companies have a strategy for service recovery and only one-third of all online reviews are replied to, yet to days, customers read at least 6 reviews on average before booking a hotel stay.

Service Recovery and complaint management equal great service. But complaints are complex’s and difficult topic, as it evolves feelings, emotions, and actions. It is never a good experience dealing with a complaint or an unsatisfied guest. By unlocking the secrets of complaints and service recovery, complaints can become a great strategical tool both to increase customer satisfaction, loyalty as well as marketing to attract new guests.

Remember to see course "Online complaint management"

What you will learn

Service Recovery
Complaint Management
Customer Experience Management